In Which I Begin to Repeat Myself

It was bound to happen eventually. The whole purpose of writing this blog was to keep track of recipes I’d found and liked–it’s not called (although now I find myself wondering if that url is taken…). Last Thursday, J. and her friend M. came over for dinner, and we had a radicchio salad and stuffed pattypan squash. Specifically, we had this radicchio salad and these stuffed squash.

I can comfort the neophile in me by explaining that it was Travisio radicchio, and comte rather than parmesan in the salad (which M. and J. had quite a time buying–it turns out that even though the wonderful bakery around the corner sells Artisanal cheese, one should not therefore assume that the counter staff knows the first thing about cheese, or that the cheeses listed on a sign on the counter are, in fact, the ones in stock).


Also, I had both Starship and Sunburst squash this time, and the stuffing was with bulgur wheat, and we added some pine nuts and sultanas.


In any case, you can’t eat novelty. And there is a reason people keep recipe books–because when you like to eat something, you probably want to eat it again.


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