
I have a thing about simple recipes. That kind of food is often the best, especially when you’re starting with the highest quality ingredients, but it bothers me when someone publishes a “recipe” for, say, grilled cheese. If you need to resort to a cookbook to learn how to melt cheese between bread, you have bigger problems than being hungry. But at the same time, it’s always nice to expand one’s repertoire of such meals. And for that, we turn to Mark Bittman. This week’s revelation was croutons made from grilled cheese. Yes, that’s right. Make a grilled cheese sandwich, extra crispy, let it cool a bit, and then chop it into cubes. Add to EVERYTHING.


For example, another Bittman suggestion, grilled zucchini with chopped tomatoes, dill, lemon juice and olive oil.


I did not intend to eat the entire salad in one sitting…


…but what I discovered was that the deliciousness that is the grilled cheese crouton gets a little soggy when you toss it with lemon juice and olive oil, and, oh well, guess it’s not going to be very good tomorrow.

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