All I Want Is a Giant Bowl of Curry, Made in a Giant Copper Curry Pot

I have basically no standards when it comes to Thai food. As particular as I can be about some foods, when it comes to Thai cuisine, you can take me to the cheapest little hole-in-the-wall and serve me a giant bowl of curry, or pad thai, or really anything, and I’ll be ecstatic. I have honestly considered closing my eyes and pointing at the menu at random to choose my dinner on occasion. Green curry? Red curry? Whatever. If it was made with lime, cilantro, and/or coconut, I’m going to love it.

The strange thing is that I often forget how simple it is to make a curry at home. So this evening, I picked up a jar of curry paste, some coconut milk, a couple of limes, and this bag of frozen aquaculture shrimp from the natural foods store across the street that sounded like eating them would not be contributing to the decimation of the seas.

And then I decimated my CSA delivery. One onion, half a jalapeño (we were told they are especially spicy this year)


both funny eggplants, the purple pepper and one of the long green ones


all sauteed up in some coconut oil, then drop in a couple tablespoons of the curry paste.


Once it’s sort of melted in, add a can of coconut milk and the pint of stir-fry stock that was stashed away in the freezer, and a teaspoon or three of fish sauce, and one of soy sauce. Oh, and some lime juice.


Once it’s all hot, dump in the bag of shrimp, and bring to a simmer, just long enough to cook the shrimp. Toss in a handful of sliced basil and serve over basmati rice.



I considered using the soybeans as my protein, but frankly I don’t have the patience to shell them, so they are destined to be eaten just as edamame, at a later date. I was hoping this would make such a huge amount that I’d get more than a couple of lunches out of it, but it’s so good that I’m not sure how long it’ll last.

1 thought on “All I Want Is a Giant Bowl of Curry, Made in a Giant Copper Curry Pot

  1. This looks heavenly! <br/><br/>I am equally not picky about my Thai food. Dave and I love this tiny place in Astoria where the food is insanely cheap and delicious.

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