Freezer Bounty

A. and C. came over for dinner the week before Christmas, and we raided the stash of veggies in my freezer to concoct a meal for ourselves. Or more specifically, I let A. use whatever she wanted and we filled in the holes at Agata & Valentina, and ended up with a really delicious pasta dish with sausage and veggies in a tomato sauce. Then also a beet salad with goat cheese, pistachios, and parsley, and absinthe ice cream with chopped chocolate truffles.

I seem to be having some issues with blogger, because it doesn’t want me to reorder these photos. And since I’ve already put off posting this for several weeks, I think I’m going to surrender that battle. So in no particular order, here we go.

Here is the finished sauce:

A. had wanted more tomatoes, but I explained to her several times that all that was available in my kitchen was the pouch of what I’d gotten from Winter Sun Farms.

Here is my ice cream maker, hard at work on the base, with the chopped chocolate truffles waiting patiently for their turn to be added:


And the unassembled beet salad:


This is the sauce mid-preparation:


And some action shots of A. at work:


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