A Way With Greens & Noodles (2 ways, actually)

The first time I got mizuna in my weekly delivery, I made something with soba noodles and mushrooms and a miso-tahini dressing, and it was just not right. Too thick, too rich, too one-texture (that texture being “mushy”). I ate it, but mostly because I don’t like to waste things. I know was working from a legitimate recipe, not my own imagination (I didn’t yet have the confidence to wing it with an unfamiliar ingredient), but I can’t find it now to see if maybe I just did something wrong.

But moving on: this year, I decided that I’d been a little premature in abandoning the asian greens + soba noodles combination, and perhaps it was the dressing that was the problem. And sure enough, I’ve found a couple of variations that I can recommend. Hooray! It only took me 4 years to learn how to cook this stuff!

First, put a pot of water on to boil. Make it a big pot, even if you’re only cooking a smallish amount of noodles. Soba likes to have room, and then when it’s cooked, it likes to be run under cold water.

While the water is coming to a boil, take some mustard greens:


or, you know, mizuna, if that’s what’s handy.


Either way, chop it up and give it a quick saute in a hot pan with the oil of your choice.


Add a little water, and either tamarind concentrate & smoked paprika*:


or some miso paste.


Cover up the greens and let them braise for a few minutes, just until they’re tender. Then toss them with the rinsed noodles.


If you’re looking for something a little more filling, cut up a block of tofu into chunks and cook them in the rest of the braising liquid, a couple of minutes on each side. (I did this with the tamarind version but not the miso one.)


Add to the noodles & greens and enjoy.


*The smokey tamarind variation is the second recipe that I’ve concocted based on a vague description in a New Yorker review of a restaurant I’ll never visit.


Soba Noodles with Mustard Greens/Mizuna

serves 2-4


1 package soba noodles (usually 8-10 oz, depending on the brand)

1 large bunch mustard greens or mizuna

1 Tbsp peanut or vegetable oil

1/4 cup water

Flavoring suggestions:

1 Tbsp tamarind concentrate + 1/4 tsp smoked paprika + 1/2 tsp salt

1 Tbsp miso paste

1 package tofu, drained and cut into pieces (usually 16 oz) (optional)


Bring a large pot of water to boil. Cook the noodles according to the instructions on the package. Drain and rinse well under cold water.

Chop the greens roughly, into 1-2″ pieces. Heat the oil in a large skillet and saute the greens for a few minutes, until they are wilted. Add the water and the flavorings of your choice. Stir, cover, and cook for 2-4 minutes, until the greens are tender. 

Remove the greens from the pan and toss with the noodles. 

If you’re using tofu, add the pieces to the skillet with the rest of the braising liquid. Cook for a few minutes on each side and then add to the noodles along with any remaining liquid that hasn’t cooked off.

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